our people

Sara Gordon

Senior Planner

Sara has been working at Sylvester Manor since 2008, when Peconic Land Trust was hired by the Sylvester descendant owners to plan conservation and sustainable development of the remnant acreage, and to transition the family lands to the community. She was a founding board member of the nonprofit Sylvester Manor Educational Farm from 2009 to 2013, when she joined the Manor staff. Sara has facilitated the permanent protection of a majority of the Manor’s 236 acres for farmland, open space, and wetlands preservation. A member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, Sara leads land use initiatives in collaboration with Town, County, State and Federal agencies, consultants and contractors. Dedicated to modeling innovative solutions to today’s critical challenges, she led implementation of Suffolk County’s first non-proprietary constructed wetland alternative wastewater treatment system, operating since 2017 – the Manor’s “Clean Water Project.” Sara coordinated the production of the 2020 Sylvester Manor Cultural Landscape Report and Comprehensive Landscape Plan, establishing concepts for the next 50-100 years of Sylvester Manor campus evolution.